Work on Blackrock Village Centre is due for completion in May 2020.

Retailers seeking to locate in the affluent south Dublin suburb of Blackrock have an opportunity to secure one of eight units still available at Blackrock Village Centre.

Joint agents Savills and BNP Paribas Real Estate are quoting rents ranging from €50 to €70 per sq ft for the remaining 1,501sq m (16,157sq ft) of space, which comprises three food and beverage units and five retail units.

Formerly known as Blackrock Shopping Centre, the mall is undergoing a €10 million refurbishment programme, the completion of which is scheduled for May 2020.

The renovation of the centre includes a complete upgrade of the common areas, realignment of the malls and the installation of a contemporary, predominantly glazed covering, which will retain natural ventilation. A new facade and entrance off Frascati Road are set to transform the centre’s exterior while car parking facilities will also be upgraded, with the introduction of a new vehicle exit on to Rock Hill.

The revamped centre will extend to 6,176sq m upon completion and is anchored by a 2,712sq m SuperValu. Parking is provided for more than 200 cars and the centre is adjacent to Blackrock Dart station.

There are 33 units within the scheme with well-known retailers including Lloyds Pharmacy, Holland & Barrett, L’Occitane, Dubray Books and Diffneys Menswear.

Blackrock, meanwhile, is also an established suburban office location, with major occupiers including Zurich Insurance, Canada Life, Eagle Star, IFG, Ulster Bank and AIB.

Colin Kavanagh of Savills says: “Blackrock’s pedigree as a suburban commercial hub is well established. Home to a myriad of large retail and financial houses, the village is a demand destination for many employers looking to open a base or grow an existing office in the area. We expect demand for retail space in Blackrock Village Centre to be strong as a result.”

BNP Paribas Real Estate Ireland
BNP Paribas Real Estate Ireland
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